[Coco] CoCo 3 I/O map

Arthur Flexser flexser at fiu.edu
Tue Mar 4 03:25:10 EST 2014

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 2:44 AM, Willard Goosey <goosey at virgo.sdc.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 10:00:12PM -0500, Robert Gault wrote:
> > Here are a few.
> Thanks!
> > $FFC0-$FFC4  Smartwatch DS1216
> How is that done? I thought the smartwatch pretended to be ROM?

Certainly, the SmartWatch would be addressed at $C000 if it was piggybacked
on the Disk ROM, or contained in a standard cartridge.  The Burke and Burke
version was addressed at $FF50.  I don't know of any version addressed at
$FFC0.  If there was one, it would use 4 bytes ($FFC0-FFC3), not 5.


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