[Coco] NitrOS-9 on a 128k Coco-3

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Thu Jun 19 10:32:07 EDT 2014

Mark Marlette wrote:
> Robert,
> What did mfree report after this change to startup?
> Thanks,
> Mark Marlette
> http://www.cloud9tech.com
> mark at cloud9tech.com


Reports the same with or without the change, 24K.
Blk Begin    End   Blks  Size
--- ------- ------ ----- -----
  B   16000   1BFFF   3    24k
Total:               3    24k

There is not enough memory to have the merged shell and utilpak1 both in memory 
at the same time.
I've not tried this with real hardware.

The ideal situation probably would be to remove from OS9Boot anything not 
routinely used and don't merge anything into shell. Shell should just be 
shellplus with 128k memory.


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