[Coco] Still having newbie issues

Nick Marentes nickma2 at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jul 9 20:00:45 EDT 2014

RAM size?  Do these programs require 128K or 512K?

Anything else foreign on your system?


On 10/07/2014 9:56 AM, Stephen Pereira wrote:
> Hello again, all,
> I am still having a problem with two programs that I can get to work on the VCC emulator, running on my MacBook Pro in Windows XP on Parallels, but I cannot get them to work on my physical system.  One program is Zork I, and the other is Disk EDTASM.  Both of these .DSK files have been downloaded from the Color Computer Archive.
> My physical system is a CoCo 3, recently purchased from Cloud-9.  I made up an EPROM cartridge, and I have HDB-DOS in EPROM, also purchased from Cloud-9.  I am using Drivewire 3 at the moment, served up on a Dell Mini laptop running Windows XP.  Everything works great in this setup, but I am stymied by the fact that I cannot get these two programs to work, even though both do work just fine with the VCC emulator.
> I even went and purchased a Tandy FD-500 floppy disk controller ($50 plus $10 shipping on eBay) so that I could power up with Disk Extended Color Basic to start, then CLOADM HDB-DOS into my machine so I would have all the original CoCo ROMs in place, and HDB-DOS in RAM.  Still no dice.
> I realize this is a trivial thing in the big picture, but why can I get Zork II and Zork III to run fine (now that I have my EPROM cartridge properly configured and running correctly) but not Zork I?  What is it about my setup that I cannot run Disk EDTASM?
> I would greatly appreciate any ideas that you folks might be able to offer.  Thanks, in advance, for all your attention and assistance!
> smp

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