[Coco] Robot Odyssey game

Brendan Donahe brendan at polylith.com
Sun Jan 26 08:10:33 EST 2014

I, too, loved Robot Odyssey as well as Rocky's Boots.

I had Rocky's Boots for the Apple ][+ and it sure slowed down a lot as many
wires/devices were connected in the playfield.  I didn't find out until
recently (when I acquired a pile of in-box CoCo SW - thanks Don S.) that
Rocky's Boots even existed for the CoCo.

In Robot Odyssey (which I played on the CoCo 2 as an early teen), I only
ever made it through the 2nd level, I think. Unlike the author, Robot
Odyssey sealed my fate in dealing with hardware and it's inherent parallel
nature. I don't understand how this would encourage someone to be a
programmer, unless it made it obvious that they strongly preferred dealing
with serial execution only...?

Great article, though, thanks for sharing!


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