[Coco] Newbie questions

Sean Margules s_man501 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 24 23:37:15 EST 2014

I've been trying to work with just RGBDOS, (because I have a hard drive so why not use it?) and I'm pleased to report that I've been able to back up just about any .dsk image I care to AND RUN IT which is quite a step forward for me. I used the (very) little bit of Basic I still remember from when I was a kid to make myself a menu I can run the different floppy images from so I don't keep getting my names and syntax mixed up (run for basic, runm for bin, dos for sierra games, etc.)

Only residual issue I'm having is that there is one game (VIRUS-D) which is one of several on the disk (VHD slot now), which gives me an error whenever I try to run it (from the menu or just with the "run" command). I was thinking perhaps hyphens are illegal characters in run commands?

Is there a reference out there for the type of BASIC used in RGBDOS? I found one for BASIC09, but it sure does look like that is rather intimately connected to the Nitros9 OS, which I've been avoiding for the time being as instructed. Thanks, 


On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:11 PM, Nick Marentes <nickma at optusnet.com.au> wrote:
Sean Margules <s_man501 at ...> writes:

> Ok ok. No more Drivewire or HDBDOS till I get a better  handle on this
stuff. Promise.

You'll thank us for setting you on a structured path to CoCo nirvana.   :)

Seriously, you'll enjoy it more and learn with less frustration.

As I said before, I've seen newbies turned off when they dive in at the end.

Hard drives can come in when you start exploring OS-9.

Learn the basics before jumping in to the advanced.


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