[Coco] Source to MultiVue or Gshell

Bill Pierce ooogalapasooo at aol.com
Thu Jan 23 16:06:32 EST 2014

The source to gshell is in the repo under:


Click the "Code" tab, then navigate to:


BTW, the only "Multivue" sources there are gshell (6809 & 6309 disassembled by Kent Myers and modded by Curtis Boyle) and gsort (special version by Gene Heskett). The rest are all "FCC data" lines of the binaries that are assembled into program modules. Most likely they were written in C and any code generated by C is near impossible to disassemble. GShell is the main code anyway and the others are just utilities called by gshell.

To do anything with gshell, you'll need to read (extensively) the OS-9 Level 2 Developement System, OS-9 Level 2 Technical reference, OS-9 Level 2 Windowing System, and the Multivue manuals as the info to programming for Multivue is spread throughout all of them. GShell has a pretty complex methode of setting up menus.
Then you'll have to figure out the (mostly) uncommented source code and what it's doing.

The best part is you can use the outines in the above manuals and crete your own "gshell" The actual menuing system and all the calls are a part of grfdrv. But you need a THOROUGH understanding of how the system works. As someone else mentioned, skel.c is a good example. There also an example by Bob Devries which I'm sure he would share if you need it. It's also in C.

Also, as a side note, there seems to be a bug in grfdrv. The 640x200 2 color mode will not show proper borders and menu bars in any multivue style program (MV Canvas, Multivue etc).
All other resolutions show correctly. Tracing back through Nitros9 revisions, the earliest verion I can find that displays properly is Nitros9 3.2.6, I have no clue what's going on, but something is definately wrong there. It seems to be in grfdrv's displaying of the char set used for the menubar background. It comes up as a bunch of vertical lines instead of a solib box as it should. The menu names are hidden under this and when clicked, they appear so it's not the font. All else displays, it's just the menubar that's not right.

Have fun....

Bill Pierce
"Today is a good day... I woke up" - Ritchie Havens

My Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3
Co-Webmaster of The TRS-80 Color Computer Archive
Co-Contributor, Co-Editor for CocoPedia
E-Mail: ooogalapasooo at aol.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Marentes <nickma at optusnet.com.au>
To: CoCoList <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 23, 2014 1:46 pm
Subject: [Coco] Source to MultiVue or Gshell

Can someone point me in the direction of the multivue or Gshell source?

Unfortunately, I don't know C but am willing to take a look at the 
source to see what's involved.


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