[Coco] making patches to NitrOS-9 (part I)

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Jan 22 16:18:51 EST 2014

On Wednesday 22 January 2014 16:18:29 Tormod Volden did opine:

> Dear NitrOS-9 contributors,
> Mercurial (hg) seems to put many off, but can really be of good help
> to us all. There is lot of documentation around, for instance
> <http://hgbook.red-bean.com/>. However, I will outline some of the
> basics to get you going.
> 1) How to make a patch the simplest way
> You have cloned the repo, pulled and updated it. Now you have made
> some modifications that you want to share with others. Simply type:
>  hg diff
> and it will list your changes as a patch. To make a patch file, type:
>  hg diff > my_little_change.patch
> Now you can send this file to others, for instance to a maintainer who
> will commit this to the repository for you.
> 2) How to undo your changes
> To bring a file back to the repo version (or last commit), type
>  hg revert filename
> 3) How to apply a patch
> If you have a patch file and want to apply it to your working tree, run
>  patch -p1 < some_change.patch
> The changes will now appear when you run "hg diff".
> If you want to undo this patch, but don't want to rewind the file back
> to the repo version with "hg revert" (because the file has other
> changes that you want to keep), you can apply the patch in reverse:
>  patch -R -p1 < some_change.patch
> 4) How to check the status of your repo
> At any time type "hg status" to see which files you have modified
> (indicated by "M") or added to your local working directory tree.
> Files that are only added to your local directory will not be included
> in "hg diff".
> "hg summ" gives a summary of what the latest commit is, which branch
> you are on and statistics on modified or new files. It will be even
> more useful later.
> 5) Conclusion
> Run "hg diff" and "hg status" all the time. It makes it easy to see
> what changes you did and helps you avoid adding something unwanted to
> your patches.
> Next part will be about using the mercurial "mq" extension to keep
> track of several patches. If you can't wait, see for instance
> <http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/managing-change-with-mercurial-queues.h
> tml> or <http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/MqExtension>.
> Regards,
> Tormod

This is helpful, thank you.
> --
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> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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Cheers, Gene
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A man who fishes for marlin in ponds
will put his money in Etruscan bonds.
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dangerous than 200 million guns in the hands of
         law-abiding citizens.

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