[Coco] [OT] Commodore 64 slow floppy

Simon Jonassen simon at roust-it.dk
Wed Jan 22 13:04:45 EST 2014

C64, slow floppy.... ????

Using ROM, YES ! - custom loader using the 1541's onboard 6502 and 2 lines
for data transfer, NO !

Just my 2c

/Simon :-)

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com] På
vegne af Gene Heskett
Sendt: 22. januar 2014 18:23
Til: coco at maltedmedia.com
Emne: Re: [Coco] [OT] Commodore 64 slow floppy

On Wednesday 22 January 2014 12:20:42 Glen VanDenBiggelaar did opine:

> The reason why the 64 had a slow floppy (if you read the book: On The
> Edge) is because the designer had originally put in high speed data 
> lines to accommodate a floppy drive "later".during the first 
> production batch, he randomly picked up a motherboard and discovered 
> they were removed! He called up the team in Japan responsible for 
> shrinking the design onto a production board. They didn't know what 
> the lines were for, so they deleted them. of course they could not 
> stop production, so they hobbled the VIC 20 floppy drive to work. In 
> order to make it work, it actually had to transfer data Slower than 
> the Vic 20. I know what you are thinking, but it also was Jack yelling 
> at them to have a working floppy drive like yesterday. Jack didn't 
> care how fast it was, just as long as it worked.

Another side of that story was that Jack fancied himself to be an os writer.
I have an ST1040E that would put the lie to that statement.

Cheers, Gene
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