[Coco] [OT] Commodore 64 slow floppy

Glen VanDenBiggelaar glenvdb at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 22 12:14:44 EST 2014

The reason why the 64 had a slow floppy (if you read the book: On The Edge) is because the designer had originally put in high speed data lines to accommodate a floppy drive "later".during the first production batch, he randomly picked up a motherboard and discovered they were removed! He called up the team in Japan responsible for shrinking the design onto a production board. They didn't know what the lines were for, so they deleted them. of course they could not stop production, so they hobbled the VIC 20 floppy drive to work. In order to make it work, it actually had to transfer data Slower than the Vic 20.
I know what you are thinking, but it also was Jack yelling at them to have a working floppy drive like yesterday. Jack didn't care how fast it was, just as long as it worked. 		 	   		  

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