[Coco] more 1 bit madness

J.P. Samson coco+list at jeanpaulsamson.com
Mon Jan 20 23:19:28 EST 2014

On Jan. 19, 2014, at 9:40 PM, Allen Huffman wrote:

> I believe Grabber, the only CoCo 1 game I ever saw with real  
> background music, was simply at a slow enough frame rate is was  
> doing the tiny "beep" then animating then the "beep" again. That may  
> explain why no more ambitious games did it.
> Anyone ever found the Grabber author?

Yeah, Mike Hughey is pretty easy to find, I think.  I believe his  
claim to fame in recent years is his expertise at solving Rubik's  
Cubes.  For example, check out this video:


Now, I don't know if this is the same guy as programmed that  
innovative puzzle/maze game Grabber, but I betcha!

-- JP

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