[Coco] Another ROMable NitrOS9 question

Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 13:41:17 EST 2014

If you use DW ony eliminate the floppies: /D0 /D1 /D3 as well as rb_1773

You can optionally eliminate PIPER PIPEMAN PIPE. But won't be able to
use pipes anymore.

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Bill Pierce <ooogalapasooo at aol.com> wrote:
> Bill,
> Running the C compiler in Level 1 with drivewire is tricky. Matter of fact, it was tricky in the 80s with vanilla OS-9 L1. It was easy to get your boot too large for the compiler to run.
> You have to strip you boot down to as little as you can get by with. I had to play around with several boots before I could get to work on my 64k Coco 1 "F" board.
> You have to use the 32 col screen as the "cohr" hi res driver (51 col) takes up too much memory, Use only the disk drivers & descriptors you can get by with, eliminate all the "/n", "/z" drivers and descriptors, and eliminate the pipes and printer drivers. I even take out the floppy drivers as I don't use them.
> The problem is that the dw drivers and subs take up a lot of precious memory.
> If you use level 2 to compile for level 1, remember to use the defs, headers and libraries from level 1 or you'll end up with level 2 system calls in a level 1 prorgam.
> The source for the level 1 dw drivers needs to be checked as the level 2 drivers have the EKO turned off. I haven't run into theis problem but I've yet to check the latest level 1 & 2 builds on my Coco 1 & 2.
> Bill Pierce
> My Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3
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> E-Mail: ooogalapasooo at aol.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: billg999 <billg999 at cs.uofs.edu>
> To: The COCO Mailing List <coco at maltedmedia.com>
> Sent: Mon, Jan 13, 2014 10:15 am
> Subject: [Coco] Another ROMable NitrOS9 question
> Since getting DriveWire working I have been having some fun with
> NitrOS9 on a COCO2.  (Side Note:  Yes, it was eko=1 that caused
> most of my troubles and adding xmode commands to fix it to the
> startup file was an acceptable work around.  Still a problem with
> the information that inetd puts out on startup keeping me from
> running it in the background but one problem at a time!)  That is,
> I was having fun until I discovered that there isn't enough memory
> in a 64K COCO2 to actually do anything in NitrOS9.  Can't run the
> C-Compiler, can't run Basic09.  So, I guess I will be going back to
> using the COOC3 for any real development work I do.
> But, this brought up another interesting idea in my head.  Has anyone
> ever considered putting together a ROMed version of NitrOS9 to replace
> the built in BASIC ROM in the COCO1 and COCO2?  I would think that an
> equivalent to the NitrOS9 boot provided with DriveWire images could
> easily be fit into the 16K ROM space leaving 48K for users to run programs.
> Comments?
> bill
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