[Coco] Book Review

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Jan 11 14:51:28 EST 2014

On Saturday 11 January 2014 14:47:32 Glen VanDenBiggelaar did opine:

> Gene, I believe you are 100% right, I worked at a web press printer in
> "Pre-press" for over 10 years (did the Auto Trader mag up here). I
> can't see this as an imposition error, but a bindery error and someone
> did not do a quality check at each run.I can't speak for every printer,
> but our lead hand of bindery, picked up a copy of what ever and checked
> it every 500 copies or so. The only way to salvage this run is to cut
> the spine off, rearrange each copy by hand and coil bound them back
> together. A bit of a cost for the printer, but way better than dumping
> the entire defective run. There is too many errors for just a random
> occurrence, this is a major run of the book. It looks like it was done
> in 2 runs, a smaller first run for the proof copies and this major run.
> This error is in no way anything remotely to do with Boisy or Bill.

Yeah, but coil bound?  Wire maybe, plastic like I have used is nothing but 
a PITA. 3 years later you pick it off the shelf and the bindings are in a 
thousand pieces. Cutting the binding off is ok, but how much trouble to 
just restack them and glue on a new cover?  Much more serviceable in the 
long run.

> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------ That sounds like its all there, but somebody in
> binding played 52 pickup and failed. I think I would see if
> replacements can be had. This certainly is NOT Boisy's or Bill's fault.
> Its 100% a CRC problem to me.
> How many copies are involved?
> --
> Coco mailing list
> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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Cheers, Gene
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