[Coco] bad sysgo in nightly download?

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Tue Jan 7 19:19:47 EST 2014

Tim Fadden wrote:
> Hi gang,
> I downloaded the nightly build 2 days ago, and have been trying to build custom
> boot floppy's  and dw images, without success.
> I have narrowed it down that the files sysgo_dd and sysgo_h0 in the nitros9
> directory path are both bad, and much larger than working sysgo's.
> I have no way of compiling these.
> Is it acceptable to use sysgo's from prior nitros images that are known good?
> I'm going to try, and expect it should work but.......
> Thanks.
> Tim

I've a guess as to why the CRC is bad and for this specific module, it would not 
mean that the code is bad.

sysgo.asm contains to pseudo opcode that seems to not permit correct generation 
of the CRC. The codes are:

Banner   equ   *
          fcc   /(C) 2012 The NitrOS-9 Project/
CrRtn    fcb   C$CR,C$LF
          IFEQ  ROM
          IFNE  NOS9DBG
          fcc   "**   DEVELOPMENT BUILD   **"
          fcb   C$CR,C$LF
          fcc   "** NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION! **"
          fcb   C$CR,C$LF
          dts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! generates a date/time string
DefTime  dtb !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! generates another date/time code

When I comment them out, so the source will compile without them, the CRC is good.

This does not answer why you are having problems unless it is because the boot 
process is rejecting sysgo as a result of the "bad" CRC. What you can do is boot 
NitrOS-9 from a working boot disk and "correct" the sysgo CRC using ded.

ded sysgo

and exit ded. Ident should now give a "good" CRC for the module. Do this in the 
root directory and in the module directory.


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