[Coco] Another Radio Shack Article

Mathieu Bouchard matju at artengine.ca
Sun Jan 5 12:30:27 EST 2014

Le 2014-01-04 à 09:50:00, Nick Marentes a écrit :

> This way, Tandy had a better chance of encouraging CoCo users to switch 
> to the Tandy PC range while not abandoning their CoCo. Late 80's/ early 
> 90's was still too early for a capable software emulator so a card would 
> have been the way to go. It should have been cheaper to create than a 
> full CoCo (no case/power supply/keyboard).

That wasn't possible with a PCjr-style graphics card : it did 16-colour 
pixel graphics at only 160x200. I can think of two intermediate steps 
between CGA and EGA graphics : first PCjr, then CoCo. That's just in terms 
of combinations of video modes. Did you expect that card to have its own 
video output ?

(I don't know whether Tandy's graphics were any different from PCjr, but I 
remember using a PCjr a lot, with BASICA and some ML games such as 

| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC

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