[Coco] Demaking Computer Games

Bill Loguidice bill at armchairarcade.com
Tue Feb 25 12:25:29 EST 2014

It's hair splitting I know, but I wouldn't classify Halo 2600 as a demake.
While it's a great game (I have it on cartridge), it's not a first person
shooter. It's a completely original action game that just happens to use
Halo universe themes. I would consider, for instance, the recent Doom demo
for the Vic-20 (of all systems) as a demake, because it keeps it as a first
person shooter and is reminiscent of the Doom graphics. That to me is the
definition of "demake," otherwise it's just another new game in the same


Bill Loguidice, Managing Director; Armchair Arcade,
Authored Books<http://www.amazon.com/Bill-Loguidice/e/B001U7W3YS/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_1>and
Film <http://www.armchairarcade.com/film>; About me and other ways to get
in touch <http://about.me/billloguidice>

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Steve Ostrom <smostrom7 at comcast.net>wrote:

> I just read a fun article in the most recent (March 2014) issue of The
> Smithsonian Magazine.  It explained that a remake of a game is taking an
> older game and making it play even better on the newer hardware available.
> But "demaking" a game puts that into reverse.  They mentioned that the game
> Halo, one of the most popular series of games of the past few years, was
> recently rewritten for the Atari 2600, and is called Halo 2600.  One
> reviewer called it "probably the best video game ever crammed into a meager
> 4KB of memory".
> Hmmm...   The Coco3 and Assassin's Creed or Starcraft II ???
> --- Steve O ---
> --
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