[Coco] Trivia Fever

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Sun Feb 23 22:06:14 EST 2014

Bill Pierce wrote:
> Rogelio,
> I just disassembled the "kbdhack" module and it links to CCIO, patches a few bytes after saving the original values. Then it seems to set the clock with a value of zero. Seeding the timer maybe?
> It would take a disassembly of L1V2 CCIO to tell what is being patched. I'm pretty sure the v1 & v2 CCIOs are slightly different hence the failure. The "kbdhack" seems to be the only mod.
> Of course I'm working from the disk images from the archive, so I don't know how "accurate" they are as far as duplicating any possible "copy protection" that may be on the original disks.
> What seems to be going on (from an old diassembly of L1 CCIO from the repo) "kbdhack" if setting up a new IRQ and then resetting the time via F$STIME. So it makes me wonder if the whole patch involves setting up the game timer using the system clock.
> There's another patch section at the end of the listing but it's never called and I'm wondering if this is the reverse code for resetting the patch after you exit the game to return OS9 to normal, hence the "saving" of the original values before patching. The IRQ patch may point to this routine so it runs on exit(??). The address of this section is part of the patch.
> All-in-all, the whole thing is really small and just a few lines of code, so it's not making any "major" changes.
> If this is all that's being done, there should be a way to modify it to work on L1V2. It would take good disassemblies of both L1V1 & L1V2 CCIOs to adjust the xx,y values being altered to point to the proper place. The original source probably would have assembled properly for either version given the proper OS9DEFS file as the source most likely referred to the symbols in the defs for the patching if written properly
> Bill Pierce


Here is my disassembly of kbdhack. Slightly different interpretation from yours. 
Since we F$Link to CCIO it won't matter which version is present. In fact, we 
could link to VTIO by changing L004B and kbdhack would still work.

Unfortunately Trivia is a packed Basic09 module so there is no way to tell what, 
if anything, #40 is supposed to do. It is not the correct way to send parameters 
to a B09 program.


          nam   KbdHack
          ttl   program module

* Disassembled 2014/02/22 16:06:46 by Disasm v1.5 (C) 1988 by RML

          use   /dd/defs/defsfile
tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct
atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
rev      set   $01
          mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
u0000    rmb   1
u0001    rmb   275
size     equ   .
name     equ   *
          fcs   /KbdHack/
start    equ   *
          leax  >L004B,pcr       CCIO not in Level2
* regA= type/language
          lda   #$E1
          os9   F$Link
* regY=module entry point
          lda   $03,y         copy lbra READ for CCIO
          ldx   $04,y
          sta   >L0064,pcr    save the lbra READ from CCIO
          stx   >L0065,pcr
          sty   >L0062,pcr    save CCIO entry address
          leax  >L0055,pcr    message = TRIVIA #40
          stx   >L0060,pcr    set pointer for message
          leax  >L0067,pcr    address of kbdhack routine
          lda   #$7E          jmp
          sta   $03,y         make CCIO jmp to L0067 on a read
          stx   $04,y
          leax  >L004F,pcr    date/time data
          os9   F$STime       start the clock
          os9   F$Exit
L004B    fcs   /CCIO/
* 1984, Jan, 1, 1:00AM
L004F    fcb   $54,1,1,1,0
L0055    fcc   /TRIVIA #40/
          fcb   $0D
L0060    rmb   2               pointer in TRIVIA #40 message
L0062    rmb   2               CCIO entry address
L0064    rmb   3               storage of original lbra READ in CCIO
*        lbra  READ           in CCIO
*        will now vector below
L0067    ldx   >L0060,pcr   get message pointer
          lda   ,x           get character in message
          leax  $01,x        update pointer
          stx   >L0060,pcr   save pointer
          cmpa  #$0D         end of message
          bne   L008C        return to CCIO if not finished
          pshs  y,x,b,a      save registers
          ldy   >L0062,pcr   restore CCIO
          lda   >L0064,pcr
          ldx   >L0065,pcr
          sta   $03,y
          stx   $04,y
          puls  y,x,b,a      recover registers
L008C    clrb               exit to CCIO
eom      equ   *

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