[Coco] Emulating a 1980 4K CoCo on PC

Nick Marentes nickma2 at optusnet.com.au
Wed Dec 31 18:39:21 EST 2014

Two questions...

1) Does XROAR support artifacting (red/blue) for CoCo1/2 games that use 
this (Zaxxon etc)?

2) Does the 4K programming competition have to be designated for a 4K 
Color Basic system? Here is Australia, the standard system at the time 
was a 16K Extended Basic system. 4K Color Basic was available but those 
that bought this either quickly dumped their machine for something 
better or had it upgraded. When I think of the CoCo1, I think of 16K 
Extended Basic. I know many would not even have looked at the CoCo at 
this configuration and all the Tandy (Radio Shack) stores had 16 
Extended as their store demo systems.

Should the competition be changed to a 16K Extended Basic competition?


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