[Coco] Emulating a 1980 4K CoCo on PC, Mac, Linux, etc.

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Mon Dec 29 09:33:12 EST 2014

I have created a simple quick-start CoCopedia page on how to download and configure the XRoar emulator to act like a 1980 4K CoCo:


I have not added Linux details yet, nor are there any screen shots, but I will get to them (unless someone beats me to it).

I need to wrap my head around how it handles cassette files and add that section. Of note:

1. If you save a TEXT file out of CoCo BASIC, and give it the extension ".asc", you can mount that file as an Input Cassette and then "CLOAD" and it loads :) Cool.

2. If you mount an Output Cassette with an extension of ".wav" and CSAVE/CSAVEM, it creates a WAVE audio file you could load in to a real CoCo. Also cool.

3. If you use ".cas" as the extension, it's some kind of data file.

Loading in XRoar is accelerated so things load in a snap. Very cool.

		-- Allen

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