[Coco] Nitros9/Scripts question

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Dec 10 12:17:34 EST 2014

On Wednesday 10 December 2014 09:12:19 Bill Pierce via Coco did opine
And Gene did reply:
> There is a "path" cmd for shell Plus 2.2a... there has been (at least)
> since shell plus 2.1. According to the shellplus sources, the "path"
> buffer is 400 bytes so a lot of paths could be set. Read the "Path="
> section on page 10 of the ShellPlus docs in the NitrOS9 repo.
> (from my Nitros9 3.3.0 l2 cmd line)
> path=/dd/cmds /x1/cmds /dd/kingsquest3/cmds<enter>
> path=?<enter>
> /dd/cmds
> /x1/cmds
> /dd/kingsquest3/cmds
> The above shows the output from my Coco.
> I remembered someone mentioning this a while back and then it came up
> again in the discussions of Bob Devries' L3 boot disk... in which he
> had a "config.os9" file in "/d0/sys/config.os9" which contained a
> "path=" list. This was pointed to by the "custom" cc3go that Bob had
> apparently built, which after running "startup -P", it ran
> "/d0/sys/config.os9" which set the system paths. The config.os9 file
> contained :
> i=/1 /PATH=d0/cmds (/xx/xxxx /xx/xxxx etc. each separated by a space)
> The "i=/1" makes it apply to the exsisting shell therefore preserving
> the paths after the process dies (I think).
> I suspect this could also be done in the startup or mods could be done
> to "sysgo" to do what Bob's "cc3go" did. I disassembled Bob's cc3go
> and it only takes a few lines to add the check for "config.os9" (and a
> few more for the error bypass to the defaults if not found) Bob could
> you elaborate on this?
> Of course this would not solve the problem of CHDing to another dir on
> startup (which BTW, is what started this thread), but it will set more
> options for where your shell looks when you type a cmd to run.
> Bill Pierce
> "Today is a good day... I woke up" - Ritchie Havens

That I was not aware of Bill, thank you. You can VBG now, for teaching the 
old dog a new trick!

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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