[Coco] Nitros9/Scripts question

Willard Goosey goosey at virgo.sdc.org
Tue Dec 9 23:35:33 EST 2014

Os9 supports "hard links" in unix terms... it's just that dcheck doesn't know about them and will complain. Since cross-linked files are one of RBF's main failure modes it's better to avoid the false alarms... :-(

Sent from Samsung tablet

-------- Original message --------
From Bill Nobel <b_nobel at hotmail.com> 
Date: 12/09/2014  8:43 PM  (GMT-07:00) 
To CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com> 
Subject Re: [Coco] Nitros9/Scripts question 
Yes exactly, or Alias in OS X, All the OS’s all have their own versions of the same thing.

Bill Nobel

> On Dec 9, 2014, at 9:38 PM, Kandur <k at qdv.pw> wrote:
> Or in Linux called symlinks.
> Kandur
> Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 7:07:30 PM, you wrote:
>> I now understand what you want Kandur, It’s called shortcuts in modern terms.
>> You have an interesting idea here, could be feasible.
>> Bill Nobel
>>> On Dec 9, 2014, at 8:57 PM, Kandur <k at qdv.pw> wrote:
>>> Bill and Robert, thanks for the infos.
>>> Then let's forget about OS-9 scripts, all I want is to avoid 
>>> typing in long path names of often used subdirs, when I want to 
>>> chd into them. Perhaps a small utility with a menu like this?
>>> 1   dd/Coco/_Software/_OS-9/_OS-9_Utilities/Kwikgen
>>> 2   d1/Media_Players/WD_TV_Media_Player_-_New_for_2014/WD_TV_2014
>>> 3   d0/Coco/_Software/_CoCo_Controller_Software/LR-Tech/SUPER_BOARD
>>> Just enter the number to go to that directory.
>>> Kandur
>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 5:20:14 PM, you wrote:
>>>> What you can do Kandur is whatever your CHD or CHX directory stuff you put in
>>>> the script will stay in the script. Scripts get thier own shell for execution,
>>>> it inherits the directory paths from the calling shell (and device layout i.e.
>>>> <>>>/wx). Until that shell dies by you exiting the program in that script.
>>>> Then all directory paths revert to what you have in each shell you have running.
>>>> Bill Nobel
>>>>> On Dec 9, 2014, at 2:39 PM, Kandur <k at qdv.pw> wrote:
>>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 11:47:05 AM, Robert wrote:
>>>>>> Kandur wrote:
>>>>>>> I have another script question.
>>>>>>> What script would take me to a subdir?
>>>>>>> Instead typing every time: chd /dd/nitros9/6809L2/modules/RBF
>>>>>>> just to type: go2rbf
>>>>>>> I used build go2rbf with the above command line
>>>>>>> changed it's attribute to e pe, but it did not work.
>>>>>>> Kandur
>>>>>> I may be wrong, but I don't think you can make a permanent change of directories
>>>>>> within a script. What you can do is change directories, open a new window, and 
>>>>>> use the CLEAR key to switch to that window.
>>>>> Don't mind at all to push the CLEAR key to go to a new window,
>>>>> as long as it's default directory is, e.g. /dd/NIRTOS9/8809L2
>>>>>> As an example, I can start Koronis Rift with the following script. I must use 
>>>>>> the CLEAR key to get to the game window.
>>>>>> xmode /w4 par=1 pag=10
>>>>> What are these parameters mean?
>>>>>> cd games/krift
>>>>>> (/dd/games/krift/cmds/autoex <>>>/w4)&
>>>>>> A new window and shell start for the game.
>>>>> Sounds great. 
>>>>> When you iniz or xmode a window, or starting a shell in it,
>>>>> is there a way to specify in which subdir should it start up?
>>>>>> Robert
>>>>> Kandur
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