[Coco] CoCo Diskettes backup

Robin Lavallée robin at guibec.com
Thu Aug 28 21:37:49 EDT 2014



Objective: I want to make backup copies of all my Coco diskettes before
their content is lost forever. I’m especially looking at backing up some
programs I wrote then I was less than 10 years old. :D


What I have:

·         A CoCo2

·         A CoCo3

·         A floppy disk reader for the CoCo

·         A bunch of CoCo floppy diskette containing all sort of data.

·         A PC


My talents (or lack of):

·         I’m no good at soldering. (No experience).

·         I’m good with software.

·         I’m ready to pay for missing parts.


What is my plan:

1)      I need to get DriveWire (3 or 4?) running on the PC

o   ROM Pak seems to be unavailable from http://www.cloud9tech.com/ OR;

o   I need a cable to connect between my PC and the CoCo to load up the
HDB-DOS program. What cable ? “(just two cables connected from your Mac or
PC to your CoCo”

2)      I need to get a DriveWrite Serial Cable. (Available from cloud9).

3)      I should also get a USB-DB9 Serial Cable adaptor for the PC. (Like
this http://www.cablestogo.com/product/26886 ?).


Anything else I might be missing in this quest toward glory ?

I’m especially confused by step 1.


Thanks a lot,




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