[Coco] 6809 compilers

Kandur k at qdv.pw
Fri Aug 8 21:27:14 EDT 2014

That assembler would generate a page like this?


Microware OS-9 Assembler RS Version 01.00.00    06/01/85 00:36:59      Page 001

00001        *---- file: ram (device descripor) -----
00002        *  
00003        * Copyright 1986 by Caveh Jalali
00004        *       Permission granted to use, distribute and modify
00005        * for non profit use only and only if this
00006        *       copyright notice is included
00007        *  
00008        *  
00009        * NOTE:
00010        * page $35 gets munged by a reset, so it is not used by the ramdisk
00011        * due to this, you only get 56K of usable ramdisk space.  this area
00012        * not to be affected by rebooting os9; even if you have to go back 
00013        * to type 'dos'
00014        *  
00015        * the base is $060000 on 128K machines, $000000 for 512K
00016        * ioman only copies 2 bytes, so the actual value to be
00017        * stored in it.port is the (base addr)/256
00018        *  
00020   0000 87CD0032            mod   modsiz,modnam,$f1,$81,fileman,driver 
00021   000D FF                  fcb   $ff        -mode
00022   000E 000600              fcb   $00,$06,$00 
00023   0011 0F                  fcb   $0f          itbl size
00025   0012 01                  fcb   1          rbf device
00026   0013 00                  fcb   0          drive 0
00027   0014 00                  fcb   $00        step rate
00028   0015 20                  fcb   $20        dev type
00029   0016 01                  fcb   $01        double dens
00030        * 7 cyl on 128K machines, 55 on 512K
00031        * each cyl is one page
00032   0017 0037                fdb   55         cylinders
00033   0019 01                  fcb   1          sides
00034   001A 01                  fcb   1          0=verify
00035   001B 0020                fdb   32         se/tr
00036   001D 0020                fdb   32         se/tr0
00037   001F 01                  fcb   1          interleave
00038   0020 10                  fcb   $10        min seg alloc
00040   0021 7261ED     modnam   fcs   "ram" 
00041   0024 03                  fcb   3 
00042   0025 63637264   driver   fcs   "ccrdisk" 
00043   002C 7262E6     fileman  fcs   "rbf" 
00045   002F AFCA68              emod
00046   0032            modsiz   equ   * 
00047                            end

00000 error(s)
00000 warning(s)
$0032 00050 program bytes generated
$0000 00000 data bytes allocated
$0070 00112 bytes used for symbols


Friday, August 8, 2014, 2:56:38 PM, you wrote:
> Kandur wrote:
>> Pardon my ignorance, but where can I find this
>> "asm assembler"?

>> Kandur

> Check the CMDS directory of any of the NitrOS-9 distribution disks. You will 
> find asm. I don't remember if it is on the special boot disk I sent you.

> Robert


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