[Coco] Fahrfall game package prototype...

Andrew keeper63 at cox.net
Fri Aug 1 02:54:25 EDT 2014


If I sent you $25.00 - would you be willing to send me one of these 
packages? It looks -awesome-! I would love to have one for my collection.

Seriously - it looks great, and I would be willing to pay money for a 
copy. But I don't think a Kickstarter is going to net you much; most of 
the community is found here on this list, and the remainder isn't that 
large from what I have gathered.

For a game, it probably isn't worth it (the only potential CoCo-related 
KS campaign that I could see gaining any traction would be 
hardware-based, and I won't mention what that particular item would be 
to avoid stirring the pot - but I do think it would have a wide appeal 
beyond our small community).

I think you might have a small audience here willing to pay some money 
for this game, though - count me as one, certainly!

Andrew L. Ayers
Glendale, Arizona

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