[Coco] ANNOUNCE: NitrOS-9 V3.3.0 released

Michael Rowen mike at borncoco.com
Sun Apr 13 20:38:54 EDT 2014

Nice work. Thanks to all!

Tormod Volden <lists.tormod at gmail.com> wrote:

>Dear NitrOS-9 users and developers,
>We have the great pleasure of announcing the availability of the
>NitrOS-9 V3.3.0 release. NitrOS-9 is an open-source operating system
>for 6809-based computers (Dragon and TRS-80/Tandy Color Computers in
>particular), and is compatible with OS-9 from MicroWare.
>With the last proper release V3.2.8 being almost 6 years ago, it is
>more than time to get the numerous new features, bug fixes and other
>cleanups into the hands of everyone. A version 3.2.9 was close to be
>released in late 2009 but instead more feature additions, rework and
>infrastructure changes ensued, and only development versions have been
>circulating since. The new version has been bumped to 3.3.0 both to
>avoid confusion with unofficial 3.2.9 builds and to reflect the amount
>of work going into this release. The V3.3.0 release provides a solid,
>common base for users, application developers and NitrOS-9 developers
>to continue work on and develop for their favourite operating system.
>Source code and prebuilt disk images can be downloaded from the
>NitrOS-9 project at SourceForge:
>         https://sourceforge.net/projects/nitros9/files/releases/v3.3.0/
>Documentation can be found in the NitrOS-9 wiki at
>         http://www.nitros9.org
>For bug reports and feature requests please use the ticket tracker at
>         http://sourceforge.net/projects/nitros9/
>Most NitrOS-9 users and developers hang out at the CoCo mailing list:
>         http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
>>From the V3.3.0 ChangeLog (covering the last year's changes):
>- CoHR: Now supports COVDG control codes (Ken H.)
>- New MinTED - Minimalist Text Editor (Luis Antoniosi)
>- rb1773: Make 48 TPI floppy disks readonly in 96 TPI drives
>  (Robert Gault and Gene Heskett)
>- rbdesc/superdesc: Raise default SAS from $8 to $10 (Gene)
>- Gene's myram RAM disk driver renamed to MRAM and included
>  on L2 disk images
>- Dragon: Working disk images again (Tormod Volden)
>- Fixed ROM boot images (Tormod)
>- Added CoCo SDC driver (Boisy Pitre)
>- Added CoCo Deluxe port (Boisy)
>- King's Quest 4: Many updates (Guillaume Major)
>- New utils disk with Gene's bootlink and vfy utilities
>- Pacos9: Brough back to life (Tormod)
>- Major cleanup of Makefiles and build infrastructure (Tormod)
>- Everything now builds with lwtools (Tormod)
>- Most (all?) things in shape again after lwtools transition
>  (Tormod, David Ladd, Bob Devries)
>Additionally, since the V3.2.8 release massive work has been done over
>the years, especially by Boisy Pitre, David Ladd, William Astle,
>Robert Gault, Aaron Wolfe on new features such as DriveWire support,
>SuperDriver, hardware ports and misc driver fixes.
>On the behalf of all NitrOS-9 developers,
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

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