[Coco] Drivewire and ADOS...

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Mon Sep 30 16:47:51 EDT 2013

On Monday 30 September 2013 16:23:09 Al Hartman did opine:

> Why is the assumption that it's Aaron's sole responsibility to do what I
> asked?
> We have already solved it without Aaron having to give up any fun to
> help Drivewire users...

This is good, but I have reservations I'll add below.
> I requested access to edit the Cocopedia, and I'll help maintain it as
> well as adding new material. There's no page on Bob Rosen, and the page
> on Marty Goodman is blank. I'll start adding what I can over the coming
> days.
> I find helping end users fun, and I haunt several lists and forums to do
> just that. I take pride in helping people and doing the best job I can.
> That's fun for me.
> I simply can't connect to the concept of going to the trouble of writing
> an open source project, and then not documenting it. Documentation is a
> lot easier than writing the code, it's a lot easier than answering the
> same questions over and over (hence the concept of a F.A.Q.). You do it
> slowly over time. You add a bit every so often, and it grows to become
> comprehensive.
> More energy has been spent arguing against adding small bits of
> documentation for the users, than it would have taken to just do it.
> Now that we have an area on Cocopedia, we can add to it and make it a
> great resource, and Aaron won't have to be responsible for it at all.
> -[ Al ]-

Well and good, Al.  But the last I knew, that site was a wordpress site, 
and resembles the question always asked about concrete as its being poured 
"will it crack?".

Wrong.  Question.

Patently so if history has anything to testify about it.  The site WILL be 
cracked and hacked/destroyed & has been at least twice in the past.  So the 
question then is "when will it be hacked?"

So let me make a suggestion right now, at least 2 of us should setup 
scripts to do a wget -R on the site, the whole thing, say one of you doing 
it from a crontab entry on Wednesday and the other one on Sunday.  That 
way, should it need a reset, we have an image of the site to reset it to, 
one that is not more than 4 days old.

Since I already am keeping backups of the repo's, all 3 of them, here, I 
will defer that job to someone else with the requisite few gigs of spare 
disk space.

With an eye to easing the bandwidth used, do the wget the first time, then 
switch to rsync, which will only exchange data that is different each time.

Cheers, Gene
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-Ed Howdershelt (Author)

You don't sew with a fork, so I see no reason to eat with knitting needles.
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