[Coco] Lowerkit 3C...

Tim Fadden t.fadden at cox.net
Sun Sep 29 19:22:32 EDT 2013

On 9/29/2013 4:03 PM, Al Hartman wrote:
> It appears that this lowerkit I found is the version for the Coco 2. The pin headers for plugging into the VDG socket are all bent, and two of them broke when I tried to straighten them.
> It looks like I’m going to have to de-solder both sets of headers, and the socket for the transplanted VDG on the board. This is going to be difficult, as there is hardly any space. The socket and header were not meant to be removed once installed.
> Being that I successfully repaired a bad socket on my Atari RAM upgrade board, and built two PS/2 to Atari/Amiga adapter kits that worked... I may still be up to the task.
> I guess I’ll have to cut away as much of the header and socket as I can, and then de-solder any remaining pins. I don’t know what I’ll do with this when I fix it. But I’ll figure that out later.
> I have to scan in the manual myself, because I’m not going to pay .25 a page to have Staples do it, like last time. Those three manuals cost over $50.00 to scan. Had I known, I never would have done it. I have to figure out how to create a PDF from the scans.

One way to convert scan to pdf on the cheep is to use OpenOffice. just 
insert each scan as a page (preferable in order :-))  and save it as a 
PDF file.

My 2cents.  Tim

> When I get that done, I’ll send the manuals to the Archive.
> My Brother in Law didn’t come this weekend, so no ADOS disk yet. I’ll have that in the next few days.
> -[ Al ]-
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