[Coco] DriveWire is just a hobby (Was: DW4 on MAc & Linux)

Al Hartman alhartman6 at optonline.net
Fri Sep 27 15:36:41 EDT 2013

Being that no new Cocos are being made, an S-100 board that duplicated the 
functionality of a Coco 2 or 3 might be the way to go in the future.

If I had my druthers, I'd like to see a Coco 3 clone that had on board disk 
controller, vga output, 512k or more, real RS-232 serial ports, PS/2 or USB 
mouse and keyboard that mounted in a standard case.

They have a system called MiST that is an Amiga/Atari-ST, and the Replica I, 
Altair Clone, etc...

Why not a Coco?

I think the Coco 4 project is working on something like this.

-[ Al ]-

-----Original Message----- 
From: Christopher Smith

A bit off-topic again, but if this means I can make my Northstar Horizon run 
NitrOS-9, I'd be very happy about that. :)


Christopher Smith
Systems Engineer, Wolfram Research 

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