[Coco] Quoting private email

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz dennis-ix at maltedmedia.com
Wed Sep 25 23:00:47 EDT 2013

Hi all,

Apparently the guy from EmbeddedSW found that his corporate email to 
a list member about EMUFDD had been quoted on the CoCo list back in 
May 2012. I'm guessing he self-googled and found the message in the 
archives. He sent a badly spelled email asking the message thread be removed.

Just so you know, copyright law DOES protect the content of private 
email. If you want to pass on information from a private email -- 
even one from a company -- please paraphrase it but don't quote it 
without permission. Also remember that copyright covers the 
expression of an idea, but not the idea itself.

Let's not provoke any crazies out there, okay?


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