[Coco] OS-9 80-column driver is ready

billg999 at cs.uofs.edu billg999 at cs.uofs.edu
Tue Sep 24 12:23:27 EDT 2013

> Well I call it protype because in fact it was a prototype made in 1985 by
> some company called PHB in Texas. Is what is written in the label :P
> I'm doing the schematics and I will try to make it in protoboard, but it
> will take a while since I'm a software guy not a hardware.
> But yes the circuit is so simple that it can be easily copied. I think the
> most difficult part is to find the CRT9128.
> I found in china the CRT9128-000P.  I hope is the same ? If the protoboard
> works I can see the possibility to make a batch of it.

I did some quick research and it appears the "000P" is the same device
probably refers to plastic as opposed to ceramic packaging.  The bad
news is that they do not appear to be manufactured by anyone any more.

I wonder if there is some other similar but newer chip that could be
designed into the circuit?


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