[Coco] Coco4?

Arthur Flexser flexser at fiu.edu
Sat Nov 16 16:00:32 EST 2013

On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Mathieu Bouchard <matju at artengine.ca> wrote:
> BTW, how do you use the RTC in practice, considering OS9 has multiple Y2K
> bugs, and DECB only has support for a wraparound 16-bit 60 Hz counter passed
> off as a TIMER ?

The clock was supported to a degree under Basic by Disto/CRC in their
CDOS ROM.   There was a CLOCK ON  command that would continuously
display the time in the corner of the screen by means of a patch to
the 60 Hz IRQ service routine.

I had support for the 2 types of Disto clocks and the
SmartWatch/Burke&Burke clock in Extended ADOS-3, which used the clock
for date-stamping files (date and time were displayed by the DIR
command), printing the date/time at the top of printed program
listings, and a DATE$ function usable in Basic programs.


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