[Coco] BASIC09 - How good is it?

Aaron Wolfe aawolfe at gmail.com
Tue May 14 05:56:01 EDT 2013

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 5:16 AM, Fedor Steeman <petrander at gmail.com> wrote:
>>B09 code executes much, much faster than RS basic code.  It is not
>>exactly interpreted, though not exactly compiled 6809 code either.
>>Maybe "pre interpreted" would be the word?
> Interesting! But I don't reckon it is like Java, running in its own
> semi-machinecode interpretation engine...
> So would it not be compiled into ML, or interpreted, or consisting of
> chunks of pre-made ML modules (thus not as optimized as a ML program can
> get)? Is there any other way?

I am not intimately familiar with "I-code", but I believe chunks of
pre-made ML routines would be the closest to the truth.
The references are embedded into the I-code both for these ML chunks
and for variables, etc.  This is obviously not ideal, but it is a
world of improvement on RS basic.

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