[Coco] Fix It Felix retro style game (based on Donkey Kong style of play)

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Wed May 1 20:42:12 EDT 2013

On May 1, 2013, at 7:02 PM, Ben <ben_jimenez at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I just found this today about the move Wreck It Ralph. Seems that Disney had a 
> game created for the movie called Fix It Felix with the play style similar to 
> Donkey Kong (so the write up states). My thinking is if this type of game 
> could be created on the Coco 3? It seems that it could in fact be programmed 
> since it's play style is very basic and nothing too fancy. Any ideas on names 
> for a clone of it for the coco 3?

Fix It Felix Jr. could easily be done on the CoCo. It has some looks like Donkey Kong, and things that remind me of Crazy Climber, but the game itself is quite different. I got it on the iPad when it first came out, before the movie. The released version for mobile and Flash is missing things shown in the movie animation of the game, but it's a very simple game. The play mechanics of it could be done in BASIC.

In the game, your character (with his magic hammer) moves left and right and climbs up floor to floor. There are broken windows so you move in front of one and hit the button to fix it. Things are being dropped from up top that you dodge. Higher levels have walls that make your path around the building a bit harder.

By the way, the Wreck It Ralph theme song is by the surviving members of the Pac-Man Fever album, Buckner & Garcia.

		-- Allen

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