[Coco] MM1 - CoCopedia

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Thu Mar 28 13:46:06 EDT 2013

On Mar 28, 2013, at 11:45 AM, Bill Gunshannon <billg999 at cs.uofs.edu> wrote:
>> I don't have an MM-1, but I know Michael J. Knudsen still has his unless
>> he's gotten rid of it in the past year. He said it still works fine with
>> no problems. There were others I've seen as well... So I know there were
>> more than 10 as there's already been more than that reported here.
> Wikipaedia says "about 500".

I will have to see if it has a source on that. For some reason, "around 100" was stuck in my mind before this topic came up.

I am probably more curious to why someone would have thought only 8 were sold, unless that was a typo of page vandalism.

I will start a Wiki page listing MM/1 owners if folks are interested in adding themselves to it. Could we do that for CoCo stuff to? It's really a list that Glenside should maintain -- but the wiki makes doing something like that easy. Kind of like the old Pen Pals section of Rainbow magazine.

	-- Allen

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