[Coco] Introducing the next generation of Color Computer, the CoCo-X

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Fri Mar 22 21:18:24 EDT 2013

On 23/03/2013 11:33 AM, ryan28 wrote:

> The only problem with large software storage on the Coco is the same
> problem that exists with HDBDOS, RGBDOS, SuperIDE, DrivePak, DriveWrie
> and others. Most RSDOS software is hard coded to use drive 0-3 if not
> just drive 0. You can't run a LOT of that software from higher drive
> numbers without modification.
> but there's still things that have to be done in RSDOS. It's   something
> to think about when thinking of what storage formats will be implemented.
> RSDOS floppy (or emulation) rules No. 1 till someone comes up with
> something better.

All good points. I don't think anyone is suggesting that floppy drive 
emulation NOT be included at some point. I think that - ultimately - any 
useful solution will need it.


|              Mark McDougall                | "Electrical Engineers do it
|  <http://members.iinet.net.au/~msmcdoug>   |   with less resistance!"

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