[Coco] Ghana Bwana no run in VCC?

Luis Fernández luis46coco at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 21 17:27:00 EDT 2013

How running, Ghana Bwana?
I have DSK 1984, DSK 1985 and OTHER
RUN ¨*¨ but no run in VCC

I have Games 42: but, not run in VCC
-------------------------------------------------- -----
Fighting Force ........... FFORCE BIN 2 B 11Ghana Bwana .............. BWANA BIN 2 B 2 ** [S]                                         GHANAPT2 BIN 2 B 13

[S] - Supports the Speech Sound Cartridge
* - CLEAR 10 before loading** - Execute and press Reset*** - Access code: register


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