[Coco] CoCo 1/2 to VGA?

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Thu Mar 7 07:55:17 EST 2013

On Mar 7, 2013, at 12:43 AM, camillus Blockx <camillus.b.58 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Well the rf modulater works with composite video. You can take that signal
> after amplified it and end it to 75 Ohm to feed your a/v device. Look on
> google to find schematic for amp. Know for shure there is one that works on
> coco 2. Used it on my coco 2 myself.

Wow, there certainly are a ton of folks asking the same question -- for old Atari 2600s, home computers, etc. But all the "tutorials" I just scanned seem to be confused -- actually explaining how to go the other way. We do this to use a bunch of old CRT TVs for Halloween displays (dirt cheap), since all the $20 SD playback boxes we have only provide A/V outputs.

I suppose I may have to keep my 13" TV (or an old VCR) around for a bit longer... (I believe my old USB video EyeTV input device from ElGato still has an analog tuner, so I should be able to use that. It's been so long since I've even watched over the air TV I had forgotten I even had something that could receive it.)

		-- A

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