[Coco] 248 errors in NitrOS-9 repository

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Jul 23 13:18:10 EDT 2013

On Tuesday 23 July 2013 13:09:39 Robert Gault did opine:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > One of the written in several places rules for dd.bit is that if not
> > 1, then it /must/ be a power of 2.  3 would be an illegal number that
> > rbf itself cannot handle.
> I may be confusing the issue. The variable in os9 format -c# is not the
> actual DD.BIT value but the exponent.
Exponent?  In what base?  If it was a 1, then shifted left by the -c3, that 
if my kcalc is working, would be a dd.bit of 8, and nitros9 absolutely has 
no problem with that. In fact one of my 1Gb drives is all os9, with a 
dd.bit of $10.  Works fine.  I am the one who recognized the code Kevin 
Darling removed from rbf.mn in one of his Christmas patches, realized what 
it did, and put it back in when I did the original 6309ification of it. 
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Cheers, Gene
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