[Coco] SuperIDE and CF Cards
Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus)
retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 10 09:59:29 EDT 2013
dd just works on cygwin. But there is a catch: I always use megabyte block
Using a 256mb C-9 stock CF to extract its image:
dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=cfimage.img bs=1M count=245
to put an image on it:
dd if=cfimage.img of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1M count=245
Of course you should look at proc/partitions to see which one is your local
cf card. In my case is /dev/sdb1:
cat /proc/partitions
You can also use toolshed to handle files on the very first os-9 partition
just like this:
os9 dir /dev/sdb1,
os9 dir makdir /dev/sdb1,EXTRAS
os9 copy file /dev/sdb1,EXTRAS/file
and so on.
but to get/put a hdbdos image on it you should use my command line tool:
side put image.dsk 240 /dev/sdb1
side get image.dsk 240 /dev/sdb1
of course, supposing you are using default 0x052ddc offset.
Compile the following program on cygwin: gcc side.cpp -o side and put it on
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char g_imageFilename[1024];
char g_cfDevice[1024];
#define OPMODE_GET 0
#define OPMODE_PUT 1
int g_opMode = -1;
int g_imageNumber = -1;
int g_hdbdosOffset = 0x52ddc;
int g_numOfDrives = 256;
int g_numOfSectors = 500700;
void printError(const char *msg)
printf("Side 1.0\nHDB-DOS virtual disk tool for Cloud9 SuperIDE CF
printf("Author: Luis F. Antoniosi - felipe.antoniosi at gmail.com\n");
printf("\nside [get|put] <hdb-dos image> <drive number> <cf device|image
file> [options]\n\n");
printf("where options are:\n\n");
printf("-s <total number of sectors> : Default 500700\n");
printf("-d <total number of drives> : Default 256\n");
printf("side get disk10.dsk 10 /dev/sdb1\n");
printf("side put games03.dsk 35 /dev/sdb1\n");
void parseParams(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 5)
printError("Error: missing parameters\n");
if (strcmp(argv[1], "get") == 0)
g_opMode = OPMODE_GET;
if (strcmp(argv[1], "put") == 0)
g_opMode = OPMODE_PUT;
strncpy(g_imageFilename, argv[2], 1023);
g_imageNumber = atoi(argv[3]);
strncpy(g_cfDevice, argv[4], 1023);
for (int i = 5; i < argc; ++i)
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0)
if (++i < argc)
g_numOfDrives = atoi(argv[i]);
if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0)
if (++i < argc)
g_numOfSectors = atoi(argv[i]);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
parseParams(argc, argv);
char cmd[2048];
char disk[630*512];
int skip = (g_numOfSectors - (630 * g_numOfDrives) + g_imageNumber * 630) *
if (g_opMode == OPMODE_GET)
FILE *in = fopen(g_cfDevice, "rb");
FILE *out = fopen(g_imageFilename, "wb");
if (!in)
printError("Error: could not open cf device\n");
if (!out)
printError("Error: could not open image file\n");
fseek(in, skip, SEEK_SET);
char sector[512];
for(int i = 0; i < 630; i++)
fread(sector, 512, 1, in);
fwrite(sector, 256, 1, out);
FILE *in = fopen(g_imageFilename, "rb");
FILE *out = fopen(g_cfDevice, "r+b");
if (!out)
printError("Error: could not open cf device\n");
if (!in)
printError("Error: could not open image file\n");
fseek(out, skip, SEEK_SET);
char sector[256];
//for(int i = 0; i < 630; i++)
fread(sector, 256, 1, in);
if (feof(in)) break;
fwrite(sector, 256, 1, out);
fwrite(sector, 256, 1, out);
return 0;
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