[Coco] [Color Computer] Re: Ham radio interface cartridge ????

Tad Burnett tadburnett at vermontel.net
Sat Jan 26 22:34:15 EST 2013

Its been 20 years but if I remember there is a serial port/terminal program
cartrige for the coco.... For HAM work you need a radio and a TNC
(Terminal Node Controler)... The computer connects to the TNC over
the standard RS232 serial port and thus any computer with a standard
serial port will work... You can use the program in the cartridge to get
on packet or there are other program around.... I ran a fairly nice
buletin board on my coco... 20 years ago...
Tad (N1QAG)

On 1/26/2013 2:53 PM, neils_morr wrote:
> Manual is here:
> http://www.radiowrench.com/sonic/index.html
> Commie code won't work on any Radio Shack computer.
> Neil
> --- In ColorComputer at yahoogroups.com, "Jim"  wrote:
>> as a Hi all. I just picked up a AEA CP-1 Computer Patch. IT is used as for  CW and RTTY computer interface. The manual says that it can be used on a TRS-80.
>> Does anyone know of a cartridge or the software for this to run? THe COMMODORE 64/128 uses a cartridge.
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