[Coco] Seeking ECB Rom in the US

Sean James mindlord at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 21:26:49 EST 2013

"Kip Koon" <computerdoc at sc.rr.com>
 Wrote in message:
> Sean,
> Just so I understand, you just want a standard CB and ECB rom for your
> Coco2B, along with HDBDOS and DW3?  I would think the current version of
> HDBDOS v1.4 with DW3 for the coco 2 plus the coco 2 versions of CB and ECB
> would work just fine.  You want it all to boot as soon as you turn it on.
> Now, here is the critical question.  Do you want CB, ECB and HDBDOS DW3 all
> in the same eprom or do you want the HDBDOS DW3 Disk Basic in a separate
> eprom for installation in an external cartridge so you can switch between
> other Disk Basic roms you have or might want?

I don't have a drive controller, and don't expect I'll get one. If
 it's possible to mash it all onto the same eprom that would be
 the best option for me.

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