[Coco] [Color Computer] Re: New Basic Games

jim_gerrie jimgerrie at ns.sympatico.ca
Thu Jan 17 14:27:14 EST 2013

Oh, and one of the games on the JGGAMES5.DSK "Tube Frenzy" is a new game, which I created for the Coco Coding contest.  Enjoy.

--- In ColorComputer at yahoogroups.com, "jim_gerrie"  wrote:
> I've created Coco and Dragon version of some games originally programmed for the TRS-80 MC-10.  I have submitted these games to the Retrospectiva Basic game contest.  They can be downloaded at:
> http://rsp.retrocomputacion.com/games-jim-gerrie-ports-4-of-his-games-to-the-tandy-coco/
> I have also created Coco and Dragon versions of some games ported from other systems.  The programs can be found at in the file JGGAMES5.DSK which can be downloaded from my site:
> http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/jimgerrie/jsoft.html
> Any feedback will be much appreciated.

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