[Coco] MESS CoCo Emulation

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Mon Jan 14 19:00:47 EST 2013

Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) wrote:
> not for me. Whenever I run from messui any game that transfer
> the $8000-$DFFF rom to ram takes ages

Most likely there is a problem with the messui installation and/or some settings 
for the various emulations.

Probably best to handle this by private email. Send me the ini and cfg files for 
the emulation you are trying to use. Test the following source code with coco2 

	org	$7000
start	orcc	#$50
	ldx	#$8000
loop	sta	$ffde
	ldd	,x
	sta	$ffdf
	std	,x++
	cmpx	#$e000
	bls	loop
	andcc	#$af
	rts	start


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