[Coco] DW3DOS ROM not loading NitrOS9 correctly

Ken H. dragon.atv at gmail.com
Wed Dec 25 12:06:32 EST 2013

If it works on the FD502 but not on the EPROMpak then the auto start jumper
on the EPROMPak isn't configured right.
Just change the jumper setting and it should work.

On Wednesday, December 25, 2013, Chad H wrote:

> Additional testing:  In order to test the 'FD-502 controller reliance'
> idea,
> I wanted to see if the .BIN version was the same.  I just went back and
> copied that to a cassette, removed the FD-502 controller and CLOADM'd it.
> The .BIN still boots flawlessly into NitrOS9, even without the FD-502
> inserted..??????  So why doesn't the .ROM do this from the EPROM???
> -----Original Message-----
> From: coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com <javascript:;> [mailto:
> coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com <javascript:;>] On
> Behalf Of Chad H
> Sent: Wednesday, December 25, 2013 10:47 AM
> To: 'CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts'
> Subject: Re: [Coco] DW3DOS ROM not loading NitrOS9 correctly
> Ok Robert, I'm not trying to convert a .BIN to a .ROM in this situation, I
> am fully aware of the difference between the two.  You are referring to
> another problem where I was trying to figure out how to get a .BIN
> converted
> so that I could flash it into a EPROM.  This is NOT what I'm trying to do
> with the DriveWire ROM.  I just flashed the dw3dos_dsk_cc2.rom into a 2764,
> simple and easy, did it many many times.  BTW,  Merry Christymas!!
> To cover the bases, I did go back and erase the EPROM and re-flash it with
> that same ROM.  It did the same thing.  I tried loading the .BIN version as
> you suggested with LOADM and it DID boot successfully the .VHD in DriveWire
> slot#0.  So what's the difference?  I removed the EPROM from my
> CoCoEPROMpak
> and put it in another EPROMpak board (Mark's CoCoFlash, see
> http://members.iinet.net.au/~msmcdoug/coco/coco.htm)  and it did the same
> behavior.  Finally, I removed the EPROM once more, placed it into the
> FD-502
> controller, and tried again..  Well guess what, this time it WORKED!!  So
> what's different about it being in the FD-502 controller?  Is the ROM
> somehow looking for hardware differences of the controller?  That's the
> only
> thing I can think of.  I know that the EPROM pak boards work perfectly and
> that I know how to flash a .ROM to a EPROM and that the EPROM is good.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com]
> On
> Behalf Of Robert Gault
> Sent: Wednesday, December 25, 2013 9:13 AM
> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts
> Subject: Re: [Coco] DW3DOS ROM not loading NitrOS9 correctly
> Chad H wrote:
> > p.s.  Yes the NitrOSO .vhd on the server drive 0 is good.  Its what i
> > have
> been going into all along by DOS command or a special floppy disk I made
> for
> my modified drivewire rom in my 502 controller.  That ROM has 'DRIVE OFF'
> by
> default at bootup so I can AUTOEXEC real floppies.  I have a floppy I made
> bootable in NitrOS9/DW.  Using this disk with the DOS command, it boots
> from
> the floppy for the first part of the boot process (till the screen goes
> blank with 'NITROS9 BOOT' in the center) at which time it finishes the boot
> from reading the DriveWire server's Disk 0.   So that image works in
> various
> situations... just not from the DW3DOS ROM I pulled from the Cloud 9 ZIP.
> >
> > Sent from my Transformer Infinity
> >
> > Chad H <chadbh74 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > The one I tried was "dw3dos_dsk_cc2.rom" from the archive on the Cloud
> > 9 site.  When booting that in EPROM, it does access the DriveWire
> > server and reads a bunch of sectors and displays "NITROS9 BOOT" on the
> > screen.  If I take the server offline before booting the ROM, it very
> > quickly goes to "BOOT FAILED" on the screen.
> >
> OK, I just compiled DWDOS and have looked at the results but not yet tested
> the code on a real Coco, of any model.
> You chose the correct ROM image to burn into an EPROM but the first thing
> you should have done is tried the LOADM version dw3doscc2.bin. This version
> will load code into memory at $2400 and execute from that address.
> So, you need to tell us exactly what happens when you use the LOADM
> version,
> or if you don't have a disk system, what happens if you use the tape
> version
> (CLOADM) dw3doscc2.wav .
> If either (C)LOADM version fails, then there is a problem with the code or
> the server settings. If either of these works, there is a problem with the
> manner in which you created your EPROM.
> You have asked frequently about converting .bin to .rom images. I presume
> the real question is how to generate an EPROM.
> The dw3dos_dsk_cc2.rom is a pure ROM image and can't be used with LOADM. It
> must be transferred to your EPROM programmer as is, to be burnt from $0000
> to $1DFF on your EPROM.
> I use the Disto MPROM Adapter with a Disto SCII disk controller. This
> device
> has no provision for acquiring data directly and the image must be a LOADM
> .bin file. In this case, the LOADM header/instructions place the file at
> $3000-$4FFF

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