[Coco] Take out 512K upgrade

Rogelio Perea os9dude at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 16:59:05 EST 2013

Those two capacitors are known to be "fudge timing" caps, as far as I know
a 128k re-equipped CoCo 3 should run without much of an issue without them
once removed after a 512k RAM upgrade.

Being their purpose a dirty way to fix a slightly off clock signal, there
could be a possibility of a glitch provided the right conditions are met...
now which "right conditions"? I have no idea - not an expert in CoCo
hardware. I'd just experiment with it for a while and see how the system
behaves with 128k and those caps off. My bet is on the it-will-just-work
side :-)

-- RP

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Bill Gordon <cwgordon at carolina.rr.com>wrote:

> Since no-one has responded to this question, I will add that I have
> replaced
> the original 128k memory chips and the machine SEEMS to work fine.
> Now, will it continue to work well with C65 and C66 clipped (there is NO
> I can replace or repair them)

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