[Coco] NitrOS-9 build error

Tormod Volden lists.tormod at gmail.com
Sun Dec 1 12:02:26 EST 2013

On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Sunday 01 December 2013 01:32:46 Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) did opine:
>> I just checked out the latest repo version, lwport-tools and I'm getting
>> this error:
>> /home/felipe/nitros9-code/level1/modules/boot_scsi.asm:00052
>>  IFP1
>> ERROR: Undefined symbol ITDNS
>> /home/felipe/nitros9-code/level1/modules/boot_scsi.asm:00300 WhichDrv
>> FCB       ITDNS
> Tormod thinks, and I agree, that this name isn't correct, and I believe he
> may be in the process of fixing that.  You may want to let it simmer for a
> day or 4 and redo the update.

Oops, my fault. I am able to reproduce the error which Luis is seeing.
I thought I had tested before pushing but it seems not.

For now, please do "hg update b14ea1930107" to get back at the commit
just before the bad one. I'll fix this later. A partial bug fix broke
the build. I am in the process of identifying bux fixes in the
"default" branch that should be added to "lwtools-port" as well.


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