[Coco] Multi-Processor 6809 Computer System

Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 30 16:55:16 EDT 2013

Nick which converter do you use ? I tried the GBS8200 but it keeps jumping,
loosing sync not only with the coco.


On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Nick Marentes <nickma at optusnet.com.au>wrote:

> > As would SMP. All changes are done at the OS level applications need
> > not even know they are running on a multi-processor machine.
> So, all RS-DOS applications would benefit from this?
> > I think the single greatest expansion option would be a plug in Video
> > Cartridge with better graphics and the ability to connect to modern
> > technology displays.
> Better graphics with more color and resolution means more memory required.
> And this to still be pushed by the same 1.78Mhz CPU?
> Seems like we'd be going from slow to slower.
> I'm back to my original statement... the greatest upgrade that can be
> offered to the CoCo3 is a faster CPU.
> This will make a world of difference to EVERYTHING currently on the CoCo
> and open the doors for more complex applications in the future... even with
> the current video system.
> And if you want to run an LCD, there are several 15Khz RGB to 31Khz
> Scandoublers out there on Ebay. I bought one for $30 and it works a charm.
> Nick
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