[Coco] toolshed os9 copy question

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Apr 23 10:33:08 EDT 2013

On Tuesday 23 April 2013 09:44:26 Steven Hirsch did opine:

> On Mon, 22 Apr 2013, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Monday 22 April 2013 21:52:40 Steven Hirsch did opine:
> >> The binaries end up in the various subdirectories, e.g.
> >> /usr/src/toolshed/build/unix/cocofuse
> >> 
> >> Once you get the cocofuse binary to build, give a holler.  Actually,
> >> even if it doesn't build, give a holler with the error message :-)
> > 
> > At first it said it was all done, so I did a make clean;make
> > 
> > Lots of warnings, (rma looks like it needs a 55 gallon drum of bug
> > killer & cleanup tlc, some of which look like crash generators or
> > memory leaks by the megabyte) but no show stopper errors, doing it
> > all as myself, not root.
> Did you end up with a 'cocofuse' binary in the directory I mention just
> above?
Looks like I did:
gene at coyote:/opt/toolshed/build/unix$ cd cocofuse
gene at coyote:/opt/toolshed/build/unix/cocofuse$ ls -l
total 364
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gene gene 332181 2013-04-22 21:52 cocofuse
-rw-r--r-- 1 gene gene  32328 2013-04-22 21:52 cocofuse.o
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gene gene    373 2013-04-07 16:13 Makefile

> If so, then try this:
> $ mkdir /tmp/mymount
> $ cocofuse somedisk.dsk /tmp/mymount
> Where 'somedisk.dsk' is an image of an OS-9 diskette. If no obvious
> error messages, try:
> $ cd /tmp/mymount
> $ ls -al

Everything seemed good to here, but the ls command hangs forever.  
Breakable with a ctrl-+c.  The disk I linked to is however a large file I 
have been using as a scratch pad to move stuff to the coco with, and is 
also currently mounted in drivewire as x0.

> You should see a listing of the root directory of the diskette image. 
> To remove the mounted image, try:
> $ fusermount -u /tmp/mymount

Did that, had to cd / first as it was busy :) then:

gene at coyote:/CoCo$ cocofuse /CoCo/DW4Man-Beta-2.dsk /tmp/mymount
gene at coyote:/CoCo$ ls -al /tmp/mymount
ls: cannot access /tmp/mymount: File name too long

So then I did a "which cocofuse" and found it was using the version built 
on April 8th installed in my ~bin, so I fired up mc and looked at it in one 
pane, and at /opt/toolshed/build/unix/cocofuse/cocofuse in the other pane.  
They are exactly the same size, and a cmp of them is not possible because I 
just used mc to overwrite the one in /home/gene/bin, and then the ls works 
but the result is confusing.
gene at coyote:/tmp$ ls -al mymount
total 76
drwxr-xr-x  2 gene gene  4096 2013-04-23 09:45 .
drwxrwxrwt 19 root root 69632 2013-04-23 10:03 ..
gene at coyote:/tmp$ cd mymount
gene at coyote:/tmp/mymount$ ls -al
total 76
drwxr-xr-x  2 gene gene  4096 2013-04-23 09:45 .
drwxrwxrwt 19 root root 69632 2013-04-23 10:03 ..
gene at coyote:/tmp/mymount$ 

Looks like an empty disk to me, so lets try the dw4_extras.dsk
gene at coyote:/tmp$ fusermount -u /tmp/mymount
fusermount: entry for /tmp/mymount not found in /etc/mtab
gene at coyote:/tmp$ ls
mymount  (+ many others I have elided)
gene at coyote:/tmp$ rmdir mymount
gene at coyote:/tmp$ mkdir mymount
gene at coyote:/tmp$ cocofuse /CoCo/dw4directory/dw4_extras.dsk /tmp/mymount
gene at coyote:/tmp$ ls -al /tmp/mymount
<-and the cursor is hung here.  But that image is also mounted as /x1  Or 
was, the DW4 server has gone away, leaving no clue as to why in the 
terminal screen it was run from.

That crashes the coco of course, so I think my next step is to find and fix 
inetd, I am sick clear up to here with its fussyness, it will not even run 
with the recommended sys/inetd.conf Aaron tells me to use, and with the dw 
related stuff in the kernel of nitros9's inability to tolerate the loss of 
the server, it should quietly, without crashing the coco, wait for the 
server to again respond it its echo attempts.

This may take a while because I'll be out of pocket for a few days visiting 
Dees sister in NYS.  And I have a BP rifle I've modified to shoot for group 
size too.  And a Toy to get recall checked before we go.

> If you do not have a cocofuse binary, please do:
> $ make clean
> $ make > make.log 2>&1
> $ gzip make.log
> Then send me make.log.gz as an e-mail attachment and I'lly try to figure
> out where the build is going south.
> Steve

Cheers, Gene
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