[Coco] toolshed os9 copy question

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Apr 20 22:43:35 EDT 2013

On Saturday 20 April 2013 22:20:57 Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) did opine:

> https://sites.google.com/site/tandycocoloco/minted
> there is a direct link in the page

Got it, unpacked it, moved the files to the /x1 virtual drive file, copied 
the MinTED file to /dd/cmds from there, then, while cd'd to /x1/MinTED-103, 
I tried to use it to look at the defsfile I can see with the dir command.

Does this not run on a level2 system?  I'm getting an error 216, pathname 
not found for a "minted defsfileENTER"

Some progress, I had forgotten that zip does not preserve file attributes & 
had to make it executable.  Did that, cd'd back to the /x1/MinTED dir, and 
again tried to load the defsfile, but this time its FILE NOT FOUND - PRESS 
BREAK and screen Z2 is frozen. I have not a clue what key on this Logitech 
K360 wireless keyboard might be a "break" key as I've not used the DW Z 
screens all that much. Did a proc on the Z1 screen & killed 10 brought Z2 
back to life by killing MinTED.

So, what's next, Luis?

Cheers, Gene
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