[Coco] CoCo bus interface project

Matthew Stock stock at csgeeks.org
Mon Apr 15 16:21:03 EDT 2013

It *almost* worked for me without using the composite sync board, but not
quite.  If you think it's a sync problem, I'd start there.  The schematic I
reference for the composite sync is dead easy to make - I used the 74HC86
for the XOR - don't know if the HC would make a difference vs LS in this
circuit, though I wouldn't think so.

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) <
retrocanada76 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yours looks the same as mine: GBS8200:
> http://en.gonbes.com/product_detail.asp?menuid=94&id=22
> It will try the same at home. I use a 5V 2A wall wart but it keeps bouncing
> the image and sometimes loses completely the sync. Thuis board accepts the
> YCbCr from the Coco2 wich looks awesome but this bouncing thing made me
> ditch it in the basement. I'll try to use it again.
> I found this article with interesting info.
> http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=123399.0

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