[Coco] CoHR doesn't support cursor position

Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 15 13:41:26 EDT 2013


Why CoHR doesn't support home, cursors position and other terminal commands
? The only supported feature seem to be the the clear screen.

It wouldn't be hard to implement them but I ask why it wasn't made before ?
This kills completely its utility as no screen based program will ever run
on it. I can't think why people would use CoHR if dynacalc doesn't run on

Also, for CoVDG, it doesn't support line delete and insert 1F 30 and 1F 31.
We could make better applications for them if they were all supported.

I think that I going to patch them :)


Long live the CoCo

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